On this page you will find various resources to help you plan a surgical procedure for your pet with DVS and to fully understand the disease/injury/condition your pet has and the surgical procedure(s) being proposed to treat your pet.
Working with DVS
- How To Guide– Home Clinic
- Quick Start Guide
- Pet Diagnosed with Surgical Condition
- Working With Direct Veterinary Surgery
- Planning and Complications
- Preop Preparations for Your Pet
- Day of Surgery flowchart
- Day of Consult flowchart
- The First Few Days Home
- Monitoring Progress at Home
Postop Instructions
- PO Amputation fore
- PO Amputation rear
- PO Arthrodesis
- PO Bandage care
- PO Bladder sx
- PO Brachy syndrome
- PO Brachyceph ER Just in Case plan
- PO Carpal stabilization
- PO Carpal-Hock lux-frx
- PO Cherry eye
- PO Cholecystectomy
- PO Colon Sx
- PO Colopexy
- PO Corrective radial osteotomy
- PO Diaph hernia
- PO Drain manage-butterfly
- PO Drain manage-Grenade
- PO Ear cleaning
- PO Elbow lux
- PO Enucleation
- PO ER Just in Case plan
- PO E-tube manage
- PO Facial fold resect
- PO Femoral frx pins
- PO Femoral frx plate
- PO Foot frx
- PO Gastropexy
- PO General Sx
- PO GI Sx
- PO G-tube manage
- PO Hip denervation
- PO Hip lux Ehmer
- PO Hip lux hobbles
- PO Hip lux open
- PO Hip PT
- PO Humeral frx pin-screw
- PO Humeral frx plate
- PO HypoCa postop paraT4
- PO Implant removal
- PO Infraspinatus
- PO Intestinal sx
- PO Joint injection
- PO Laryngeal tieback
- PO Mandib-maxillectomy
- PO OCD shoulder
- PO Oral Sx
- PO Patella luxation
- PO Pectus excavatum
- PO Pelvic frx
- PO Penile amputation
- PO Perineal hernia
- PO Perineal surgery
- PO Postop CA
- PO Preputial revision
- PO Pressure bandage
- PO Radius frx crosspin
- PO Radius frx plate
- PO Screwtail resection
- PO SDF tendon repair
- PO Shoulder sx
- PO Sialocele-ranula
- PO Splenectomy
- PO Stifle PT advanced
- PO Tail amputation
- PO Tibial frx pin
- PO Tibial frx ex fix
- PO Tibial frx plate
- PO Toe tumor-amputation
- PO Total ear canal ablation
- PO Tube feeding TGH
- PO Tumor removal
- PO Ulnar ostectomy-osteotomy
- PO Urethral prolapse
- PO Urethrostomy
- PO Ventral bulla
Overview of Disease Handouts
- Overview Abdominal exploratory
- Overview Amputation
- Overview Amputation training
- Overview Anal sac gland tumor
- Overview Anal sacculectomy
- Overview Arthrodesis
- Overview Aspiration pneumonia
- Overview Bone fractures
- Overview Brachycephalic airway surgery
- Overview Brachycephalic ER Just in Case plan
- Overview Cherry eye
- Overview Cleft lip-palate-oronasal fistula
- Overview Conservative management osteoarthritis
- Overview Cryptorchid
- Overview Ear polyp
- Overview Entropion
- Overview Femoral head ostectomy (FHO)
- Overview Flexor enthesiopathy
- Overview Gallbladder surgery
- Overview Gastropexy
- Overview Growth plate fractures
- Overview Hip dysplasia
- Overview Infraspinatus contracture
- Overview Joint injections
- Overview Lar Par emergency care
- Overview Lar Par ER Just in Case plan
- Overview Laryngeal paralysis (LarPar)
- Overview Limb amputation
- Overview Liver surgery
- Overview Mandibulectomy
- Overview OCD hock
- Overview OCD shoulder
- Overview Ovarian remnant
- Overview Pain management
- Overview Paraphimosis
- Overview Patella luxation
- Overview Pectus excavatum
- Overview Perineal hernia
- Overview Perineal urethrostomy (PU)
- Overview Portosystemic shunt (PSS)
- Overview Prostatic cyst
- Overview Scar revision
- Overview Screwtail resection
- Overview Shoulder instability complex
- Overview Shoulder luxation
- Overview Sialocele-ranula
- Overview Total ear canal ablation (TECA)
- Overview Tumor removal
- Overview Ulnar ostectomy/osteotomy
- Overview Vulvoplasty
The Normal & The Abnormal
- Incision, normal
- Incision, superficial infection
- Incision, deep infection
- Postop bruising, normal
How To
- Creative clothing options (chest, shoulder, arm)
- Creative clothing options (groin, perineum, thigh)
- Creative clothing options (foot, leg, elbow)
- Creative clothing options (foot, ankle, knee)
- Homemade front or rearend sling