You may secure surgery advice, surgical in-clinic services and surgical referral services (in development) with Dr. Lara Rasmussen via Direct Veterinary Surgery. Our surgical practice model is mobile, providing surgical services for your patients at your clinic. We work as a collaborative team—you and your staff, your clients and their pets, and the DVS team—to manage surgical care for your patients in a timely and quality manner.
I bring 25 years of board-certified, surgical expertise to serve your patients, clients and you. We will support your patients’ and clients’ surgical experience with a commitment to excellence and will manage your logistics with Direct Veterinary Surgery efficiently and effectively.
Val B. (Veterinary Asst/Receptionist/Admin Asst; River Falls, WI) “I’ve known Dr. Lara Rasmussen for 9+ years of my 21+ years at River Falls Veterinary Hospital. Through the years I’ve been fortunate enough to meet several veterinarians and veterinary specialists, but none that have left an impression on me like Dr. Rasmussen has. Her professionalism, passion, respect, kindness, compassion, humility, skill, knowledge, sincerity and sense of humor have shown through each and every time she has interacted with our veterinary team and our clients and patients. I also looked forward to her monthly blogs served on a full plate of information with a healthy side of humor. She is truly a gem!”
Serving northern Bay Area pets and their people with mobile small animal specialty surgery care
651 829-1111
Here you will find:
A direct contact form for scheduling a DVS surgical visit to your northern Bay Area clinic.
Contact information for Partner Clinics with DVS operating privileges in the northern Bay area when you would like to refer a client out to DVS for surgery. (In development)
A list of DVS Surgical Services with brief pertinent information for planning. (A hardcopy estimate list is available; let us know if you need one.)
The DVS library of written and visual materials for your consumption and distribution to your clients. (Note: the pet owner side of the website has the same or lay-language materials pertinent to the pet owner.)
A Surgical Perspective blog with timely or obscure or all-to-common topics for your consumption and commentary.
A hodge podge of veterinary links pertinent to someone!
I am happy to review radiographs of cases to confirm the need for surgery or type of surgery, or to offer an opinion regarding best course of therapy and management.