- Professional education for the veterinary professionals around pertinent disease pathophysiology, surgical options, informed consent, morbidity/mortality discussions, perioperative risks, and postoperative care;
- Postoperative instructions for the veterinary professionals and the pet owner for specific surgical interventions;
- DVS protocols for the veterinary professionals to optimize communications and working logistics between our organizations;
- A quick link to the DVS Owner Resources page for materials you can pass on to your clients; and
- Explanation and documents for utilizing the Secondary Care Model with DVS (in development)
Please feel free to print and reference these materials as you see fit.
Note: Electronic copies of all documents, for ease of use in your own medical record software, are available upon request.
DVM Professional Series
- Adrenal Tumors and Their Removal
- Anal Sac Gland Tumor
- Anesthesia for Brachycephalic
- Anesthesia for Laryngeal Paralysis
- Arthrodesis Distal Limb Variety Pack
- Bubblegum In The Cat Ear
- Cleft palate
- Conservative Treatment of DJD
- Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Digit Amputation
- Elective Gastropexy
- ER “Just In Case Plan” Brachycephalic
- Extracapsular ACL Stabilization
- Femoral Head and Neck Excision Arthroplasty (FHO)
- Fracture
- Gastro-Intestinal Surgery
- Hip Luxation
- How To Treat A Ruptured ACL
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Intra-Articular Injections for DJD
- Laryngeal Paralysis
- Limb Amputation
- Liver Mass
- OCD Shoulder
- Ortho General
- Paraphimosis
- Patella Luxation
- Perineal Hernia
- Perineal Urethrostomy
- Portosystemic Shunt-Treatment
- Prostatic Cyst
- Rectal Mucosal Mass
- Salter Fractures
- Screwtail Resection
- Shoulder Instability Complex
- Shoulder Luxation
- Sialocele Ranula
- Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Luxation
- Tibial Tuberosity Advancement
- Total Ear Canal Ablation
- Total/Sub-Total Colectomy
- Triple Pelvic Osteotomy
- Tumor Removal
- Vulvoplasty
Postoperative Instructions
- Arthrodesis (Joint Fusion Surgery)
- Bandage and Splint Care
- Brachycephalic Syndrome Procedures
- Carpal (wrist) Stabilization
- Cherry Eye Correction
- Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal)
- Closed Suction Wound Drain (w/ “Butterflies”)
- Closed Suction Wound Drain (w/ “Grenade”)
- Colon Surgery
- Colopexy
- Corrective radial osteotomy
- Corrective Ulnar Ostectomy/Osteotomy
- Cystotomy/Cystectomy (Bladder Surgery)
- Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair
- Ear canal & middle ear deep cleaning/rinsing
- Elbow Dislocation
- Enucleation (Eye Removal Surgery)
- ER “Just In Case Plan”
- ER “Just In Case Plan” (Brachycephalic)
- Esophagostomy Tube (E-Tube) Management
- Expanded Home PT for the Post-Surgical Knee
- Facial fold/nasal fold resection
- Fem Fracture (Internal Stabilization with plate/screws)
- Fem Fracture Repair w/ pins & wires
- Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy
- Foot Fracture Repair
- Foot tumor removal w/ or w/out toe amputation
- Forelimb Amputation
- Ganstro-Intestinal (GI) surgery
- Gastropexy
- Gastrostomy Tube (G-tube) Management
- General Surgery
- Groin Pull Injury and Hip Surgery – Physical Therapy
- Hip Denervation
- Hip dislocation (craniodorsal position)—Non-surgical treatment with Ehmer Sling
- Hip dislocation (ventral position)—Non-surgical treatment with hobbles
- Hip dislocation stabilization
- Hum Fracture (Internal Stabilization Pins/Wires)
- Hum Fracture (Internal Stabilization Plate/Screws)
- Implant removal
- Infraspinatus tendon release
- Intestinal Surgery
- Joint injections for chronic osteoarthritis
- Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis
- Laryngeal Tieback
- Mandibulectomy/Maxillectomy
- Middle ear surgery (ventral bulla osteotomy)
- Oral Surgery
- Osteochondritis Dessicans (OCD) of Shoulder
- Patella Luxation Stabilization
- Pectus Excavatum
- Pelvic Fractures
- Penile Amputation w/ Urethrostomy
- Perianal and Rectal Surgery
- Perineal Hernia Reduction
- Post-Op Low Calcium (Parathyroid Surgery)
- Preputial Revision
- Pressure Bandage
- Radius Fracture (Internal fixation with Plate and Screws)
- Radius fracture (Pin/wire repair)
- Rearlimb Amputation
- Screwtail Resection
- Shoulder Surgery
- Sialocele/Ranula Surgery
- Splenectomy (spleen removal)
- Superficial Digital Flexor Tenddon Luxation Repair
- Tail amputation
- Tibia Fracture (External Fixation)
- Tibial Fracture, Plate/Screw Fixation
- Tibial Practure (Pin/Wire Repair)
- Total Ear Canal Ablation
- Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (TPO)
- Tube feeding TGH schedule
- Tumor Removal
- Urethostomy
- Urethral Prolapse Removal
- Wrist or Ankle Fracture/Luxation Repair
DVS Protocols
- DVS Brochure
- Clinic Prep for DVS Visit (reception and anesthesia/OR)
- Training/flash cards (2d phone follow-up; 2wk recheck appt)
- Refer IN Protocol for scheduling and managing DVS visit
- Refer OUT Protocol for sending client/patient to DVS-Partner clinic