Provided on this page is a library of documents and images available to you and your staff for:

  1. Professional education for the veterinary professionals around pertinent disease pathophysiology, surgical options, informed consent, morbidity/mortality discussions, perioperative risks, and postoperative care;
  2. Postoperative instructions for the veterinary professionals and the pet owner for specific surgical interventions;
  3. DVS protocols for the veterinary professionals to optimize communications and working logistics between our organizations;
  4. A quick link to the DVS Owner Resources page for materials you can pass on to your clients; and
  5. Explanation and documents for utilizing the Secondary Care Model with DVS (in development)

Please feel free to print and reference these materials as you see fit.

Note: Electronic copies of all documents, for ease of use in your own medical record software, are available upon request.

DVM Professional Series

Postoperative Instructions

DVS Protocols

DVS Owner Resources page 

Secondary Care Model